“Surya’s Tapestry distills this ambrosia into neatly organized categorized to facilitate its enjoyment by the reader.”
Subhash Kak, PhD, author of In Search of the Cradle of Civilization
By Sushama Londhe
The long-awaited follow-up to A Tribute to Hinduism, now available from Amazon India
Published by Pragun Publication, New Delhi, India. ISBN# 9789380397702
Our self-shining Sun, the fiery essence and storehouse of power and radiance, was called Surya.
The Rig Veda says: “Surya atma jagatastasthusasca”: “the Sun is the soul of all which is moving and also of which is not moving.”
Om sūryāya namah has been uttered for thousands of years. Hindus have understood the power of worshipping the Sun by doing 108 Yogic postures or Sun salutations (Suryanamaskar).
Surya’s Tapestry then represents the sun’s luminosity and divine rays that bestowed liveliness, grandeur, and brilliance to Indic civilization, and like the colors of the rainbow, it helped create a rich silken lustrous and colorful mosaic the world has rarely seen.
About Surya’s Tapestry
There have been many books written over the years on Hinduism by scholars from both the West and the East, but few that provide a clear vision and understanding of what Hinduism truly represents. Surya’s Tapestry’s abundant content explores Hinduism’s love story with Mother Nature’s compelling sacred appeal, the extremely prominent place of symbolism in her tradition, and her orally transmitted and meticulously maintained extensive scriptures. The book with beautiful paintings and illustrations takes a comprehensive look at the many facets of Hinduism. It examines her cultural marvels including classical music, art, and education, which are all outgrowths of her prodigious spirituality. This spirituality of unique beauty has sustained a tolerant and enduring religion for millennia and has brought forth a glittering civilization that spread far and wide without violence or turbulence.
About the Author
Sushama Londhe is an Indian author (A Tribute to Hinduism) who came to the United States as a graduate student more than 40 years ago. She holds a Masters degree in Regional Planning and Urban Affairs.
In 1996, seeing a lack of quality
resources on Hinduism available on the
internet, she started a simple
educational web page. Since then, this
quest to
promote India’s spiritual heritage has
helped grow the web page into one of the
largest and most respected websites on
Hinduism (www.HinduWisdom.info).